UFO Sightings?

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Wed Apr 19 15:38:09 EDT 2006

Hi Derek,

First, I have a pair of used but true UFO rotors that I could part with.

Pad backing plate against rotor makes a bad noise! This is my passive wear
sensor system for all four wheels, long ago spliced the active sensors out
of the system. But the backing plates first only touch on the unworn annular
rings either side of the pad wear area and, as such causes no harm to the
active rotor surface. You let yours go much longer?

There is no min. safe rotor thickness, IMO. The purpose of the factory min.
spec. is to sell new rotors with every pad change. Yours will probably be
just fine with new pads. My original UFOs are up to 260K and looking good.


> From: "Derek Pulvino" <dbpulvino at hotmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 09:24:07 -0700
> To: 200q20v at audifans.com
> Subject: UFO Sightings?
> Hey all,
> Has anyone heard of someone selling, or know of a good source for used UFO
> rotors?  I'm getting ready to change front pads again, and noticed I've
> gotten a little bit of metal on metal on the outer say 15% of the inner
> braking surface.
> I wouldn't worry, but as best I can tell, these are the original rotors that
> came with the car.  The car now has 230k on it, and the rotor seems to be
> getting a bit thin.  The other part of the question would be, does anybody
> know if there is a minimum safe rotor thickness I should be paying attention
> to?
> At the rate I'm going, if I stay with these rotors, I may wind up with
> slotted rotors before the next front pads.
> Derek P
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