Hot start-wont start

Steve Hauptmann vwaudiporschefan at
Tue Aug 1 13:28:32 EDT 2006

Have not been following this thread, so sorry if this has already been discussed. 
  My first thought would be a drop in residual fuel pressure. Possible sources...leaking fuel line, loose connection at the filter or pump, ...but could also be the fuel pressure regulator (FPR). IMO, first steo would be to put a pressure guage on it per Bentley and watch to see if it drops after your 10 minute "starts ok" window.
  Steve Hauptmann
  South Carolina

Mike Miller <mikemilr at> wrote:
  From: James Miller


I'm having issues with the car starting once it is warm.
this is what is happening

Mine starts fine in the winter, but in the summer, after the car is warm, 
requires 3 attempts to start. I assume mine is the fuel pump check valve.

It will restart within 5-10 minutes of being shut off, but any longer than 
that usually takes 3 attempts.


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