coolant leak to timing belt job?

Schaible, David David.Schaible at
Wed Aug 2 08:39:40 EDT 2006

Anybody know of the cheapest source for a factory crank locking tool?

-----Original Message-----
From: Kneale Brownson [mailto:kneale at] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 7:46 AM
To: Ed Kellock; 'q - 200q20v'
Subject: Re: coolant leak to timing belt job?

Swinging the water pump is how you adjust the tension on a 3B timing
Ed.  Proper tension "test" according to Bentley is only being able to
the belt "90 degrees with the thumb and forefinger midway between the
camshaft and the pump sprocket".   Doesn't specify any measure for
and thumb strength, of course.  More than likely, a leak from the pump
means it's time to replace it and you might as well replace the belt,
and idler while you're at it.

At 11:23 PM 8/1/2006 -0600, Ed Kellock wrote:
>My pursuit of a coolant leak in the Avant has uncovered a seriously
>timing belt.  I had thought the leak was suspiciously coming from an
>that could certainly have been from the w/p.  None of the many small
>buried by the now removed p/s pump seem to have been leaking.  Is it
>that the timing belt tension is provided by adjusting the water pump?
>know that's how it is on the AAN but haven't played the t-belt game on
a 3B
>or any 10v motor before.  My theory is that the water pump adjustment
>loose and the water leak is a symptom of that.  Boy am I glad I parked
>and got the V8 t-belt done and out of the garage before digging into
>The belt is so loose that I can wiggle it back and forth on the water
>pulley.  I could pop it off with one finger if I wanted to.  I can bend
>belt 90 degrees with one finger.  The opposite length of it between the
>pulley and crank pulley is snug, but also easily turned 90 degrees.

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