Clicking relay

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Mon Dec 4 09:38:56 EST 2006

> From: "John S. Lagnese" <jlagnese at>
> These are the under hood fuse box relays. The ETKA verifies the relay cover.
And what does that mean to you? These covers are interchangeable among all
car types using this fuse box. I can¹t help further, John and apparently no
one else is willing to touch it. Borrow a Bentley!

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bernie Benz" <b.benz at>
> John,
> Audi used these fuse boxes on all 44 chassis as well as other cars from
> about O85 thru the S car years. Don¹t go by the box labels, use Bentley!
> You imply that there are two CC relays, as I said before there is only one!
> Pull your #3 and see if the horn works.
> Bernie
>> From: "John Lagnese" <jlagnese at>
>> Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 18:55:34 -0500
>> To: "'Bernie Benz'" <b.benz at>
>> Cc: "'200q20V mailing list'" <200q20v at>
>> Subject: RE: Clicking relay
>> Here is the list from my fuse cover:
>> 1 Front fog light (empty)
>> 2 fan (engine radiator)relay
>> 3 cooling fan delay
>> 4 headlamp washer control unit (empty)
>> 5 relief relay
>> 6 air conditioner relay (empty)
>> 7 horn relay
>> 8 starter lockout relay AT relay A3
>> 9 intermittant wiper relay
>> 10 relay for manifold preheater, K-jetronic, diesel pre-glow (TDI)
>> 11 air conditioner relay (empty)
>> Is it normal to not have either ac relay? Does anyone have the number of
>> one or both of those 2 relays?
>> John
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Bernie Benz [mailto:b.benz at]
>> Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 3:20 PM
>> To: John Lagnese
>> Cc: 200q20V mailing list
>> Subject: Re: Clicking relay
>> Bentley and the description list inside my fuse box cover show #3 relay
>> as
>> the horn relay. Should be an easy test. Relay positions number from L to
>> R
>> looking from driver¹s side, first row is the one closer to the engine.
>> Bernie
>>> From: "John Lagnese" <jlagnese at>
>>> I only have books 1 & 2 of the 3 volume set. The # 3 relay is cooling
>>> fan delay. I just went out and checked the cover of the fuse box. This
>>> is the under hood unit.
>>> John
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Bernie Benz [mailto:b.benz at]
>>> Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 1:32 PM
>>> To: John Lagnese
>>> Cc: 200q20V mailing list
>>> Subject: Re: Clicking relay
>>> John,
>>> You must not have access to the Bentley wiring diagrams, inasmuch as
>> #3
>>> relay in the main fuse box is the horn relay and #3 in the Aux panel
>> is
>>> the interior light delay control unit. The only relay in the CC system
>> is
>>> the compressor clutch relay. The fresh air fan delay is controlled by
>> an
>>> engine coolant temp. sensor input to the A/C control head.
>>> Sorry, can¹t help much from your symptoms.
>>> Bernie
>>>> From: "John Lagnese" <jlagnese at>
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have been having an annoying problem with my 91 200 20V.  Since
>> I've
>>>> had the car, when my climate control is set on auto or defrost the
>>>> system is fine. If I set it to bilevel or econ the #3 relay starts to
>>>> click fairly rapidly. I believe this is the cooling fan delay relay.
>> I
>>>> tried a new relay and there was no change. Recently the relay slowly
>>>> clicks even on auto or defrost now.
>>>> Does anyone have any experience with this or any ideas?
>>>> John

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