Powering steering hose.

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Sun Dec 10 07:49:37 EST 2006

Got mine replaced in april.along with the pump to rack
Louis-Alain from the UrQ list was going to a local
hydraulics shop in
he got replacements made for me. they salvaged the
damper/restrictor for
the old HP brake hose and put it in the new one.
It cost me about $150CAD for both hoses.

not a pita the replace, just release the bomb pressure
with 40  pumps on
the brakes and undo.
you are supposed to use new hose end seals which are
copper washers OR O
rings depending on the vintage.

and erm don't to it in the dark, with no jack, a
mini-maglite and at the
same time as an oil change, then **AHEM** fit the sump
plug copper
washer to the bomb thinking that it's the right one
'cos your green gold
will spray everywhere and you'll have to start again.

Or so they say


Bernie Benz wrote:
> Pete,
> The hose to which you refer is one of the two high
pressure Power Brake
> hoses, and has nothing to do with the PS system.
These hoses ³weep³ when
> they get old and are flexed. There is a noise
suppressing damper system
> built into both the PB and PS high pressure hoses
from the pump.
> Bernie 
>> From: PeterBergin at aol.com
>> Matt, my Bentley refers to it as the "damper hose"
on the front piece and
>> refers to the lower section as the "high pressure"
hose that runs from the
>> very 
>> front top of the pump to the bottom of the pressure
accumulator. The leak  is
>> coming from under the foam sheathing below the nut
and I think from  under
>> the sheathing on the bottom.  If it is the same
hose you are  referring to,
>> how 
>> big of a PITA is it to replace?  I live in Eagan
MN. and  have to work on the
>> car out doors.
>> Thanks, Pete 
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