Leather set cleaning

Rbade12 at aol.com Rbade12 at aol.com
Tue Dec 12 17:17:55 EST 2006

In a message dated 12/12/2006 12:37:18 PM Central Standard Time,  
dragracer at netstep.net writes:

Need to  clean the ECRU seats on my new (to me)96 A6 Avant... Going to play
"flip  that car" and need to get it cleaned before I dig into the  mechanical
stuff. Searched the archives for leather cleaning, but not too  many hits!

The cleaner/conditioner isn't doing such a great job at  removing the crud.
Owners manual says mild detergent and water. A friend  just told me that a
car detailer he knows uses a mix of simple green and  white ammonia.

Will try the soap and water deal tomorrow, but figured  I'd poll the
collective masses!

Lexol conditioner on a hot day, applying, reapplying, wiping off,  
reapplying...... use the whole bottle and many rags.
I was surprised by how much crud this method lifted!
Fortunately, I did this in August because here in Milwaukee hot days  are.... 
well, way too far off, months and months of cold, dark  
winter...........single malt weather.
Bob 91 200q20v

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