Flywheel timing mark location 200q20v Digest, Vol 38, Issue 20

SuffolkD at SuffolkD at
Tue Dec 19 23:01:32 EST 2006

Bob:  Here's a photo and timing belt R&R:

Here's where you look:  back of I-5 at bell housing with flashlight

Here's a zoom in on it:

The whole deal:
HTH - Scott by BOSTON

> From: Bob
> Subject: Flywheel timing window location?
> I'll be damned if I can find that window, could one of you enlighten me as  
> to it's location?
> I'm in the process of a general tuneup plus a brass dist gear. I have the  
> cam cover off and spark plugs out so I can visualize cylinder # 1's position 
> relative to TDC, but I'd really like to know where that window is.

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