Strut bearing failure? - Type 44
Bernie Benz
b.benz at
Tue Dec 26 22:25:03 EST 2006
Just back from the holidays, adding my belated thoughts.
A failing (high stiction) upper strut thrust bearing will not rotate
smoothly with the turning wheel, causing the spring to wind up in torsion
until the bearing breaks loose and rotates allowing the spring to unwind,
resulting in a single ³clunk² sound. Usually most noticeable at low, parking
speeds, when the turn is initiated and before rack lock is reached. No good
reason for L or R preference.
The 44 upper strut thrust bearing is a pretty bullet proof bearing, easily
disassembled, cleaned and regreased. Careful, lots of little uncaged balls!
If your symptom only occurs at rack stop (never drive the rack into its
stops!) you could have a PS pump problem. Tell more.
> From: "Dave C" <dconner at>
> Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2006 12:16:18 -0500
> To: quattro at, "200q20V mailing list" <200q20v at>,
> s-car-list at, v8 at
> Subject: Strut bearing failure? - Type 44
> What are the symptoms of a bad strut bearing?
> The symptom I'm experiencing is a grinding feel and sound. It only occurs
> during very low speed turning, as in parking the car, with the steering
> cocked fully to the left. Does not occure when turning right. No other
> wierdness is evident yet. The car in question is an 87 5ktq with about 180k
> miles, and the original strut bearings.
> The part I'm talking about is part # 431412249D ... the ring shaped thing
> that is accessible only upon complete removal and disassembly of the front
> strut. This is >not< the strut mount ... metal and rubber thing secured by
> three bolts..
> Does this sound like a bad strut bearing?
> If it is the strut bearing, what am I risking by delaying replacement?
> If not the strut bearing, what else might it be?
> Thanks,
> Dave C.
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