v-belt sizes

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Fri Dec 29 19:41:03 EST 2006

You don't want FLAPS belts.  If it's convenient for you, I'd go with Scott
Mockry or one of the Audi dealers that sell on-line like Claire or Sunset.
You don't want fractional belts.  They don't have the proper "V" shape for
metric pulleys.  Generally accepted leader in metric belts is Continental.
 Scott most likely will be cheaper than Blau unless they're having a sale.   

At 10:53 AM 12/29/2006 -0500, PeterBergin at aol.com wrote:
>I would go with SJM or Blau, both know the car well.  Scott at  SJM is a 
>strong supporter of our cars!
>On my 200, it was a good idea to replace the tensioning bolt as they do  tend 
>to wear.  But a quick visual inspection upon removal would show its  
>I have had bad luck buying some specific Audi parts at some of the import  
>chain stores (IMHO).
>You can remove the belts and bring them to a good auto parts store and they  
>should have a measuring tool.
>91 Avant
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