Chucks' Strut Tower Bar

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Sat Dec 30 12:44:49 EST 2006

Hi Mike, 
A good strut brace preloading the upper strut mount bushings can add about a
half degree of positive camber to the alignment. Enough on my car to reach
my preferred zero camber setting,
after having sloted the strut tower mounting holes for the bearing plate
enough to move the upper spring perch against the outside edge of the tower.

Beyond that one must move the lower arm pivot bolts inward by slotting the
sub frame bolt holes. I haven¹t had to do this one but it should be no
problem, inasmuch as the maximum force on this pivot point is inward, the
outside wheel cornering force.

> If you are really interested in adding a strut brace, make one. Well
worth while and cheap IMO, and no big deal requiring a GB. My design is on
Chris Miller¹s 200 site, the few parts are shelf items and inexpensive. The
only machined part is the special strut top nut, a lathe part. It could also
be made cheaply from a metric coupling nut, if one would do the research to
find a source for same.


From: Mike Del Tergo <mdeltergo at>
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2006 16:23:42 +0000
To: <b.benz at>
Subject: Re: Chucks' Strut Tower Bar

I agree 100%, but as my car will no longer allow front Camber within spec, I
am in the market here (did not own a 20V during your run) .  It appears the
only alternative at the moment.  If you're offering a repro of yours, I'm
all ears (and some wallet!)

Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 14:33:40 -0800
From: Bernie Benz <b.benz at>
Subject: Re: Chucks' Strut Tower Bar
To: Chuck Pierce <cpcycle at>
Cc: 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at>
Message-ID: <C1BAD7C4.1244%b.benz at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

IMO, you guys are out of your common sense to pursue this cosmetic design,
both cost and functionally ineffective. To each his own!

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