Chucks' Strut Tower Bar

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Sat Dec 30 13:04:40 EST 2006

Maybe ³ineffective³ was an overly strong word. Better might have been: Less
than maximum, optimum functional effectiveness at a severe cost premium.

A well designed strut brace doubles apparent chassis lateral stiffness as
reflected at the upper strut mounting point by equally dividing the strut
top latteral cornering force between the two towers. The best possible
outcome within the chassis design limitations. A tower brace accomplishes a
small portion of this objective.


> From: "Patrick Anderson" <patrick.anderson1 at>
> My car benefitted from installing a tower bar. Noticed the difference
> primarly when pushing the car really hard but I could also tell the
> difference in front end rigidity on my normal commute if I paid close
> attention. Why do you think it is functionally ineffective? Many car
> manufacturers put them on cars right from the factory and they seem to think
> they work. My personal experience and factory know how seem to suggest they
> are good for something.
> Patrick
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bernie Benz" <b.benz at>
> To: "Chuck Pierce" <cpcycle at>
> Cc: "200q20V mailing list" <200q20v at>
> Sent: Friday, December 29, 2006 2:33 PM
> Subject: Re: Chucks' Strut Tower Bar
>> IMO, you guys are out of your common sense to pursue this cosmetic design,
>> both cost and functionally ineffective. To each his own!
>> Bernie
>>> From: Chuck Pierce <cpcycle at>
>>> Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 08:54:12 -0800
>>> To: alan cordeiro <alancordeiro at>
>>> Cc: 200q20v at
>>> Subject: Re: Chucks' Strut Tower Bar
>>> Alan here is what went out a bit earlier this month.
>>> Hopefully we should have the price fixed next week.
>>> Chuck
>>> Ok Guys
>>> Attached are a some pictures of the bar we made.
>>> It is made out of 1" thick wall tubing ( mild Steel).
>>> This is a case of severe over kill, but it will not ever flex when in
>>> the car.
>>> I have asked my friend to price out the material costs.
>>> The last round of bars was $159, but my friend that does the
>>> actual work felt that was a bit low in comparison to the other bar out
>>> there.
>>> So I am figuring they might end up at $189. I will try to keep the cost
>>> down as best I can.
>>> A bit pricey compared to 2B on their bar, but ours is much stronger and
>>> infinitely adjustable to differences in the distance between the strut
>>> towers.
>>> also when it comes time you will need to get the strut tower caps that
>>> this bar bolts on to.
>>> When we did the first set Chris Semple at Force 5 Automotive, 223 South
>>> Main St, Concord NH 03301, 603-223-6700,
>>> had some pulled off of crunched Urs 4's and 6's.
>>> When it comes time I will see if I can find a way to get a deal on new
>>> ones from Audi.
>>> May be tough my hook up moved to another job at the local dealer.
>>> 4A0 805 635            Retainer for connecting rod, left
>>> 4A0 805 636            Retainer for connecting rod, right
>>> This web page shows the tower caps and how to trim the passenger side
>>> one.
>>> On the 200 20v the drivers side will not need to be trimmed.
>>> This mod is for the 10v cars, I know I bought the parts and it did not
>>> work on the 20v.
>>> That is why we built the killer bar.
>>> A friend of mine was able to push his towers out to correct his
>>> alignment. (See Ted Fishers comments in first message)
>>> I would like to think that it will work for everyone, but I do not want
>>> to nor can I guarantee that will happen for some one else.
>>> I hate to promise something I cannot control.
>>> For those that have lowered their cars, We also built a jig to do the
>>> Igor mod to the top spring plates.
>>> This mod moves the plate outward by 4mm. That can also help with
>>> alignment problems.
>>> It is well documented that lowering these beasts makes it tough to not
>>> have a ton of negative camber.
>>> That is just the design of the front suspension.
>>> I will try to group emails so I do not forget to tell someone something.
>>> I guess that is enough .
>>> I will try to keep everyone informed
>>> Chuck Pierce
>>> alan cordeiro wrote:
>>>> Is there an approximate price? I ddi not see one in the
>>>> discussion so far, thanks,
>>>> Alan
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