Pressure Tester (was Surging and erratic boost

Eric Huppert dragracer at
Sun Dec 31 14:44:05 EST 2006

Second Mikes pressure tester.

After several weeks of 20V ownership I started getting funky boost. Pulled
the MM hose off, carefully inspected...nada! Actually, I checked the hose
several times. Went through vacuum lines, pulling codes, replacing vacuum
lines, etc etc. Finally went to H Depot and bought the stuff to make the
pressure cap.

Turned out the mm hose was split on the seam. I was so intent on the ribs I
never noticed the casting seam!

Heed the pressure limit carefully! You need a regulated air supply, as mike
says, no more than 15 lbs. If you go higher you may end up with some other
bigger leaks! O;(

With steady air pressure you'll hear the leak if there is one!


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