Chipped mileage?

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at
Thu Feb 9 08:20:06 EST 2006

What kind of tires? I've found that tires make a huge difference- I lost a
good 2-3 mpg when going from 225 to 255 section tires.

Even with 255s running about 36 psi, cruising at about 85-90, I got 25-26mpg
on a 5 hr. trip. Chipped 200q20v with Lehmann software and Stromung exhaust.


On 2/8/06, Mike Del Tergo <mdeltergo at> wrote:
> Curious to beat another thread to death.  Currently getting 21MPG hwy for
> Hohenester chipped 2.5P ransduced 20V Avant.  Just took a 600 mile trip
> with
> less than 3 x on ramp/merge slach warp speed passes with cruise set to 75.
> I'm not really willing to accept a 20% MPG drop from my usual for very
> occassional 270HP bursts, better throttle response all around excepted.
> Just curious to see what others are getting and the chips they are
> running.
> Mike

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