Audi/Bose Radio System Replacement

CL Wong montesawong at
Sat Feb 25 16:48:21 EST 2006

I'll confirm that 5.25" speakers will fit (6.5" are
doubtful due to depth issues and hole placement) in
the door if you remove the bose pods.  In my new 
el-cheapo setup I'm using some 1/4" plywood cutouts to
mount my speakers and the wood frame is glued to the
door panel.  Depth could definitely be an issue so
you'll need to look for something thinner.

Taka will confirm that I'm no audiophile, however this
setup sounds much better than the other cheapo setup I
had which he had the dis-pleasure of hearing.

I'm now using component speakers with tweeters mounted
to the door just forward of the arm rest.  No rear

Here's a breakdown of my low-dollar setup:

Panasonic 5310 mp3 headunit $155
USAcoustics 65X4 $140 (refurb from crutchfield)
Blaupunkt 5.25" component $15 (new from ebay!)
8" MTX Sub + enclosure $75

here's a link to some pictures:

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