Alignment story

Brett Dikeman brett at
Sat Jan 21 13:22:33 EST 2006

On Jan 21, 2006, at 12:15 PM, Rbade12 at wrote:

> Of note, the most heinous part of
> this whole deal didn't even happen to  me. While I was waiting a  
> lot boy brought
> a nice S6 into the garage and  parked near the service desk, where I'm
> standing. A few seconds after he parks,  the smell of a seroiusly  
> toasted clutch
> fills the area. The service writters  start laughing and say  
> something to the
> effect, "What'd you do" to the guy, he  shrugs and says "Did I hurt  
> it". I chime
> in with "Hell yea you hurt it!" which  gets everyones attention.  
> The service
> writters say, "Don't worry about it" to  him. I say "Don't worry  
> about it, what
> the hell?!" and proceed to put  my name in O'Reilly's file of  
> customers that
> have gone off on them. I vent for a  while, leave with my car,  
> never to
> return. So, O'Reilly's o'really sucks, avoid  them!

It'd be very interesting to know as many details as possible.   
There's a good chance the owner of the car is on the s-car list  
(cc'd).  This kind of abuse of customer cars isn't acceptable.

Date?  Color of the exterior/interior?  License plate if you remember  

Sounds like it really is getting time to get the parts+mechanic  
ratings back up and running.


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