Hard start, cold start problem, rough idle...now Idle Switch/MAF code

Kenneth Keith auditude at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 13:50:37 EDT 2006

You can also use a sensor from a 7A motor such as a Coupe quattro.


On 7/3/06, Kneale Brownson <kneale at coslink.net> wrote:
> The 5k and 200 sensors are the same and cost around $100 new.  The V8 has
> two such sensors, same as the other two except for the color of the
> insulation on the wiring (one's gray and the other's black), and the length
> of the wires.  The V8 sensor price is in the $150 range and the one with
> black insulation supposedly is no longer available.  I bought two for our
> V8 #1 a couple years ago and put black tape on one to make identification
> at the wiring connector easier.   I just got a new 5K/200 version for use
> on our V8 #2, which has developed the non-restart when hot symptoms.  The
> gray wire is three times as long, but I have enough black tape to make it
> look black, and I bet I can find a way to take up the slack.
> At 09:22 AM 7/3/2006 -0700, Kenneth Keith wrote:
> >Kneale Brownson <kneale at coslink.net> wrote:
> >>
> >> Just for curiosity's sake:
> >>
> >> On the V8, the engine speed sensor has a history of failing with age.  It
> >> sits under the driver side exhaust manifold, supposedly protected by a heat
> >> shield.  When it starts to fail, the car will not restart when hot.  Will
> >> start cold and run OK cold/hot, but shut it off and try to restart a few
> >> minutes later and there is no go.  I'm guessing the ECU needs signal from
> >> the sensor to let the ignition spark.
> >>
> >> Has anyone ever found an engine speed sensor go bad on an I-5 engine?
> >> Could that device cause poor idling on an I-5, but not necessarily no start?
> >
> >Yes, my buddy's '89 200q10v had an RPM switch go bad, which would make
> >the car die when hot.  We put another used one in and it is okay now.
> >I had never heard of that failing until this incident, but another
> >person pointed us in that direction claiming it's a common failure.
> >Upon describing the symptoms, he went straight to that diagnosis.
> >It's simple enough to check if you have another sensor to try.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> >Ken

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