front outer CV circlip solved

Kneale Brownson kneale at
Wed Jul 12 19:07:16 EDT 2006

Wow, Chuck.  Thanks to you and Bernie,  the bolt pushed the CV past the point I
had to keep the circlip spread and just a few tunks with my heavy rubber hammer
got it off easily.  I put the outer end of the axle in my parts washer and let
solvent run over it for a few minutes first.  That made it easy to see the
circlip.   My old Proto spreaders, something like this:    and the
bolt did the trick.

At 02:03 PM 7/12/2006 -0700, Chuck Pierce wrote: 
> Kneale
> Bernie mentioned that with the C/V joint axle pulled out of the hub, you can
> drive the circlip off the axle by
> running the axle bolt in through stub axle and driving it apart. 
> It will not get all the way off but will get it started to where you do not
> need to hold the circlip any longer and then it just a matter of 
> driving the cv joint the rest of the way off.  IIRC

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