airbag reset

c1j1miller at c1j1miller at
Sat Jul 15 13:33:16 EDT 2006

Industry standard used to be "replace after ten years".  Mercedes used 
to inspect them every 5.  Generally, now the industry no longer 
specifies replacement intervals at all, even for the older ones.  I'd 
guess long term inspection shows they're pretty stable and will 
function a long time.

Audi TSB group 69 number 05-02 from Feb. 7, 2005 says:

Since introduction on Audi vehicles, replacement of Airbag units has 
been recommended after a period of between 10 and 15 years.

In response to any Customer inquiries regarding Airbag unit Replacement 
Please inform the customer that Audi no longer recommends Airbag 
replacement at these or other intervals."

I don't have the schematic for the 2x2 used with the airbag connector.
shows the connection for the ECU; it uses power and ground on one black 
connector, and the other one (white connector from the scan tool) is a 
K line (blue wire) and an L line (yellow wire).   You don't use the 
scan tool's blue test lead for the airbag controller.

The power/ground is used for powering the scan tool, if needed.  I 
don't know if you need both other wires for the airbag controller, or 
if one is sufficient.

Usually you do need the key "on" while completing diagnostics.  I'd 
also make sure the fuse isn't blown.

Chris Miller, Bolton, MA  c1j1miller at
'97 Audi A4tq, '91 coupe q, '85 4ksq, '81 VW Scirocco
'91 200q20v site ==>

> From: "James Miller" <threadlessclimber at>
> Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 10:15:33 -0400
> To: 200q20v at
> Subject: airbag reset
> Hello,
> Anyone know of a shop or have the correct tool to reset the airbag 
> The two shops that I go to do not have it and the dealer doesn't like 
> answer the phone. I've been told it is the 1620 (?).
> I'm located in New Hampshire.
> I'm trying this message again because my first attempt is waiting for
> approval from the administrator and I'm wondering if it's because of 
where I
> sent the message from.
> Thanks for your time,
> James Miller
> _______________________________________________
> 200q20v mailing list


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