FM antenna

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Mon Jul 17 18:03:37 EDT 2006

Sorry I asked!


> From: "Kenneth Keith" <auditude at>
> Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 11:55:18 -0700
> To: "Bernie Benz" <b.benz at>
> Cc: "200q20V mailing list" <200q20v at>
> Subject: Re: FM antenna
> Well, I think what happened was that it was loose and hanging outside
> the car and I ran over it and yanked it the heck out.  I thought it
> was the OEM cell phone cable, or some of the other funky aftermarket
> stuff that the P.O. put in the car (like a rear license plate frame
> with a cheesy parking sensor) but it wasn't, I think.
> There's a Hirschmann spiral antenna on the passenger rear fender that
> might be a radio antenna, but I think it's the cell phone one.  I
> thought the loose cable was for that so I wanted to yank it all out
> (but the damn cell phone box is locked in the corner of the trunk and
> I don't have a key).  I was working on the car and didn't realize the
> cable was hanging out, then then after I drove over it, it wasn't
> hanging out anymore.  Then I lost FM and realized it wasn't the cell
> phone one after all.  I could be wrong, but it really seems like the
> rear radio antenna cable is what is gone.  This was on the passenger
> side of the car, by the way.
> I think I have the front antenna hooked up right now, but when I went
> to the Grand Canyon last week I couldn't tune into the AM information
> station.  I recently fixed (replaced) my broken horn, and I want to
> fix the rest of the nagging issues the car has such as the lack of AM
> reception.
> I have an aftermarket Fuba roof antenna that I have considered putting
> on the rear fender since I have a hole there.  The whip part of it is
> on my CQ since the original one there dry rotted and exposed the
> spring base, so I would maybe get one of those shorty style whips
> (masts?) either from an S2000 or aftermarket, if they don't suck, for
> the CQ and put the regular whip on the 200q20v fender, if that
> lower-than-designed location wouldn't suck either.  The spiral antenna
> I have there now looks very 80's to me, most aftermarket retractables
> are noisy (tap, tap, tap at the end of travel, in my experience), and
> I already have had the (amplified) Fuba roof mount in my "inventory"
> for years so I may as well use it.  If I use the Fuba, then I can just
> use the cable that comes with it, but I haven't decided to go that
> route yet.
> By the way, what would happen if a Y-adapter was used to pipe both
> antennae to a regular aftermarket stereo?
> It would be a good time for me to deal with any antenna cable routing
> issues, as I just received some S6 seats for the car that I want to
> put in soon.  Too bad I didn't have them in the car for the Grand
> Canyon trip.  I used to think my comfort seats were actually
> comfortable, but now I think that they actually aren't.
> Thanks,
> Ken
> On 7/17/06, Bernie Benz <b.benz at> wrote:
>> What the whole shielded cable? Front or rear? Why?
>>> From: "Kenneth Keith" <auditude at>
>>> I need a replacement cable for my rear antenna.  Anyone have one or
>>> know where I can get one?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ken

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