archive searches, gzip files

Ed Kellock ekellock at
Fri Jul 21 16:21:29 EDT 2006

Yup, that got me into the zip files and I found your post about the turbo
coolant hose leak.

Was there a wrap-up post?

I've got my p/s pump loose and will explore maneuvering it out of the way
without disconnecting the hoses, but am not too worried about having to do
that either.

All the little hoses in that area of my car seem in good shape and none were
wet with coolant.

I guess I'm wondering about the likelihood of a leak from the thermostat
housing or worse yet the water pump seal itself.


On 7/21/06, Brett Dikeman <brett at> wrote:
> On Jul 20, 2006, at 1:51 PM, Ed Kellock wrote:
> > It would seem that even specifying "" will not get
> > at info
> > in the gzip files.
> That's because google doesn't index compressed data.
> The gzip files are duplicates of what's already in HTML form, just in
> not-quite-100%-valid MBOX format.
> If you want to try another search of the archives, use this:
> It's currently experimental and rather sluggish, but has pretty much
> everything up until a week or two ago.
> Brett

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