Engine cut- out

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Mon Jul 24 10:50:51 EDT 2006

Sounds exactly like the symptom I encountered due to a loose hose 
clamp (in that case it was the one on the throttle body). Quite a 
jolt! Have you done a pressure test?


At 9:58 AM -0400 7/24/06, Huppert, Eric wrote:
>As of late I'm starting to get engine cutout (violent bucking) around 1.4
>Bar. (Previously the car would pull 1.8) Cut out is severe enough that you
>have to lift off the gas as it feels like something is going to break if you
>stay in it!

*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *      
*        mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net       *

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