Ignition timing sensor removal

Huppert, Eric eric.huppert at us.army.mil
Wed Jul 26 11:27:14 EDT 2006



Just removed RPM sensor (engine speed) from my vehicle two nights ago and
cleaned the surface so, fresh memory 


Mine were allen head bolts, forget the size... Remove the allen head and
gently pull the sensor out of the bellhousing. Will propably have to twist
and turn until it frees up, then work it out slowly. I had to use some
penetrating fluid as the bore/sensor had some "stuff" in them. Didn't pull
the reference sensor on mine as vehicle still ran. 


Cleaning all the "smudge" off the end of the RPM sensor corrected the code.


Wouldn't imagine the pins could just "fall out" of the flywheel, but who



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