2006 Old School Audi Quattro 7/ 28-30 Cumberland, MD USA!

Doug Macy dmacy1 at atlanticbb.net
Thu May 11 11:29:41 EDT 2006


2006 Old School Audi Quattro 7/ 28-30 Cumberland, MD USA!

 The third annual Old School Audi Quattro gathering will be held July 28-30,
2006 in Cumberland, Maryland! This is a special event focused on older
Quattro models up to and including the 1995.5 S6, but anybody is welcome to

We are guests of National Road Autosport, and the main activity of the
weekend is autocrossing at the Greater Cumberland Regional Airport. However,
we also make plenty of time for meeting people, sharing stories, looking
under hoods, eating great food, and seeing the beautiful countryside around

Sponsored by 034 Motorsports and Custom Auto Craft

Doug Macy
Cumberland, MD
1990 CQ w/ suspension
1987 4000 Quattro w/ 20VT&034efi

Check www.nationalroadrally.com

and Old School Quattros...


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