Speedo Bounce FIx

Phil and Judy Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Tue Nov 14 19:50:31 EST 2006

At 4:40 PM -0500 11/14/06, Rbade12 at aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 11/14/2006 2:42:11 PM Central Standard Time, 
>pjrose at frontiernet.net writes:
>In fact my IC required two people to remove it, one to pull strongly 
>upward on the edge of the dashboard lip, while the other person 
>rotated the IC and and pulled it out. I surmised that this groove 
>probably was the damage inflicted by my pounding the top of the 
>dashboard (dozens of times) to temporarily "correct" various 
>intermittent electrical glitches.  Treat your Audi nicely or she'll 
>bite you in the ass (or the IC). ;-)
>Wow, that is definitely more of an ordeal than mine.....I started at 
>noon-ish, about 3 hrs later it wasn't out and I was 
>hot/sweaty/pissed. The next day, after immeasurable help from 
>various lists I was able to get it out pretty easily [proper 
>attitiude, me and the IC]....when it got to the correct 
>N/S/E/W position it pretty much jumped out.
>Does it get any easier the next time[s]? Did you remove the steering wheel?

To make it easier the next time, I used a file to eliminate the 
groove. The grove was only in a small place in the top center which 
is shaped to keep the IC in place. Once it was smoothed rather than 
grooved, the IC is able to pull out quite readily (just like I recall 
it doing 8 years ago before I started the "dashboard pounding"). No, 
I didn't remove the steering wheel.

*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *      
*        mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net       *

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