Fwd: Oil Pressure Warning on Auto Check System '91 200 TQ

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Wed Nov 15 16:32:02 EST 2006

so according to SJM and the symptoms, then it's the
white 1.8 bar sender
since the autocheck only looks for this sender at over
my golf GTI has a cut down version of this with a
warning buzzer.
at least it's not going to be the 0.3 bar sender
that's built into the
gauge sender unit.


Which list is this thread on?
it seems to be on quattro and 20v


patrick.anderson1 at comcast.net wrote:
> Abe, 
> SJM's site has some good info on this topic. 

> -------------- Original message -------------- 
> From: "Abe Berman" <yellowcuda at gmail.com> 
>> My buddy and I set off from Burlington, VT in his
silver 91 200tq on 
>> Friday and drove both these cars back from
Portland, ME on Saturday 
>> through the white mountains, needless to say, lots
of fun. Can anyone 
>> help with the question below? 
>> TIA, 
>> Abe Berman 
>> 93 S4 
>> 96 A4 
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- 
>> From: Keith Franchetti 
>> Date: Nov 14, 2006 5:22 PM 
>> Subject: Oil Pressure Warning on Auto Check System
'91 200 TQ 
>> To: Abe Berman 
>> Can anyone help with this? Just picked up this
great Pearl '91 200 
>> TQ. It's a killer great car, but the oil pressure
warning on the 
>> autocheck system comes on between 2k and 3k rpm.
Above about 2800, 
>> it's on constantly, so on the highway at least it
quits beeping. But 
>> around town its on and off constantly. Previous
owner said it's just 
>> in instrument cluster gremlin, which I'm inclined
to believe, as he 
>> put 75k on the car and said it was a problem all
along. Also, I do 
>> notice the oil pressure guage tends to run a little
low, e.g. mid 
>> range or lower when idling, and just above midrange
when engine is 
>> working or revving. Could this be the pressure
sender? Anyone have 
>> experience with this problem? Thanks for any help. 
>> Keith Franchetti 
>> Burlington, VT 
>> -- 
>> .......__o 
>> .......\ <, 
>> ....( )/ ( ) 
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