major oil leak!

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Sun Nov 26 19:14:36 EST 2006

On that side, sounds like the PS pump. What kind of oil is it?


> From: PeterBergin at
> Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2006 17:49:18 EST
> To: 200q20v at
> Subject: major oil leak!
> Hi guys, my 91 avant just sprung a major oil leak.  Car has always  been bone
> dry underneath. Spotted a small drip under the car before I left work  today,
> thought it was one of the PS hoses.  Drove home (about 20 miles) and  notice
> the oil pressure gauge bouncing around between 2.5 and 4 bar, (normally  5).
> Got home and was down two quarts, added and started the car,  notice al little
> lifter noise.  Oil is running out in a steady stream on  the front left side,
> above the pan gasket, near a sensor that is hard to see  behind some hoses.
> But definitely on the front left.
> Any ideas?
> Pete
> 91 Avant
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