S/S fuel line symptoms

Steve Hauptmann vwaudiporschefan at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 18 09:05:36 EDT 2006

The leak on my fuel line was intermittent so sometimes there was no smell at all.
  As for the location of the intermittent smell, that's another reason why it was difficult to find. Never remember smelling fuel around the front of the car. Go figure?? Did get the smell inside the cabin occasionally, and more often it was when I would open the trunk. Being that the wife drove it daily made it even less likely that it would (a) have the smell and (b) I would be driving or around at the time. 
  Due to the location of the smell, I checked the tank vent and return lines but found all to be fine. Actually I checked the S/S lines as well at some point and they all looked fine too. There was never any visible compromise of the S/S lines (at least to my eyes), so even when examining the leaking line in question...it to looked good 2 me.  
  It had been leaking a long time....like over a year, before it finally got frequent enough and with enough quantity that I noticed a bit of dust would accumulate around the area which was apparently sprayed with fuel. Even then, I was not 100% certain....but as everything else checked out and this was the only thing even slightly out of the ordinary, it was my best bet.
  Turns out that was it. And no issues or fuel smell since. Ahh, how nice. 
  If you have a fuel smell at the rear of the car and your vent/return/vapor recovery (?)lines at the top of the tank check out, I would suggest taking a close look at the S/S lines. Pay close attention to the area where the hard metal portion of the line meets the rubber under the crimp. Maybe put some powder or something around it so that a small leak may look wet, or otherwise be more obvious. 
  Just my $0.02
  Steve Hauptmann
  South Carolina

Derek Pulvino <dbpulvino at hotmail.com> wrote:

A couple of quick questions on your symptoms prior to replacing...were where 
you noticing the smell from? I've noticed gas odors in my car as well, with 
the smell noted both under the hood at startup and after running sometimes 
near the tank filler door. The first makes sense to be coming from that 
hose, the second not so much.

What were you noticing?

Derek P

sounds like you too had the fuel smell near the back of the car. Were y>>
>>At 08:14 AM 9/15/2006 -0700, Steve Hauptmann wrote: > Hi all, > > Have had 
>>a nagging, very small and irritatingly difficult to find fuel >leak on the 
>>braided S/S fuel line that goes from the FPR (Fuel Pressure >Regulator) to 
>>the fuel rail (side closest to the firewall). FWIW, it was >actually 
>>leaking at the crimp, NOT through the S/S portion. Noticed a bit
>>of >dirt accumulating in the area, which led me to notice that it seemed 
>>to be >leaking. This was such a strange thing because I especially noticed 
>>fuel >smell in the trunk. > > Don’t remember how much but seems I remember 
>>that this dealer only (AFAIK)
>> >part was somewhere around $100 and I was looking for a less expensive 
>>fix. > > Well, I ended up cutting the old S/S portion off at the crimp and 
>>much to >my delight, the hard lines on both ends had a barbed extension. 
>>This made >for an easy and inexpensive fix with <$2.00 worth of rubber 
>>fuel line. > > No more fuel smell, anywhere. Very nice. > > Here’s a link 
>>to a few pictures for those who may be interested. Let me >know if there 
>>is any trouble w/ the link. > > 
>>http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/vwaudiporschefan/album?.dir=/39c4re2 > > 
>>Steve Hauptmann > South Carolina

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