Heater Core

Dave C dconner at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 11:17:00 EDT 2006

True, they usually do leak at first before dumping all the coolant.  In the
case of my wife's car, a 1989 100, I don't know how suden it was.  All I
know is that by the time she alerted me to a problem there was at least a
gallon of coolant in the interior and the head gasket was blown, not to
mention the heater core was a goner.

An Audi specialist told me that sometimes the head gasket is already blown
and this can cause sudden failure in the cooling system due to exhaust gas
pressurizing the cooling system . Most other coolling system
components  were relatively new so the heater core would have been the
weakest thing left and most likely to blow first.  This is what he thinks
happened but there's no way to be certain.
- -
Dave C.

On 9/20/06, Schaible, David <David.Schaible at jrspharma.com> wrote:
> Good advice......the core usually starts leaking b4 it fails in a
> catastrophic manner and anyone w/ antifreeze smell in interior or on
> windshield should be on it pronto
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave C [mailto:dconner at gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:33 PM
> To: mikemilr at blackfoot.net; 200q20v at audifans.com
> Subject: Heater Core
> Hi Mike,
> I would definitely replace it unless there is evidence that is
> relatively
> new.
> If it is original and 15 years old then it's on borrowed time along with
> any
> other plastic in the cooling system ... radiator, heater valve and/or
> overflow tank.  Heater core failure is one of the most unpleasant things
> your car can experience.  It can include a flooded interior and a blown
> head
> gasket or warped head.   A coolant flooded interior requires pulling all
> the
> seats and carpet at a minimum to wash and dry the carpet and
> underlayment.  $60 and an hour of your time now to r&r the heater core
> would
> be a good investment.
> Dave C.
> *Mike Miller* WROTE ...
> I'm replacing the flaps motor and the blower motor. I am swapping it out
> of
> a parts car where the parts were brand new. As I was not going to
> re-install
> anything in the parts car, I used George Sidmans method of just prying
> the
> whole unit out - took less than 30 mintues. So, the question is, should
> I
> change out the heater core while I have the whole assy out or just pop
> the
> whole unit into the other car. How often does the heater core go out?
> This
> is my 3rd 200 in the 200k mile range and I have yet to lose a heater
> core.
> Any idea as to cost of heater core? I would think if it is under $100
> and
> under an hour extra labor, it might be worth it.
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