'91 Avant list of paiin.....(well, it SHOULD say that)

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Sun Apr 15 13:05:33 EDT 2007

Roger M. Woodbury wrote:
> Kent:  Since I have done that my recommendation is to do what I did, and
> that is get in and drive it.  Try the old "seat of the pants" checkride
> before you do anything else.

Where's the fun in that?  I'm coming from the "silk purse out of a sow's
ear" direction.  No seat of the pants drive.  The seats, when I first
looked at it, where nice sport seats.  Before I could get back and cut a
deal, they had been sold and replaced with standard comfort seats. That
hurt. And the comfort seats hadn't been bolted in yet. But, come Monday
it will have a license plate (provided the Nor'easter doesn't bugger my
plans) and I'll be on the road.

Kent McLean
'91 200 TQA, no name yet
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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