injector questions

Schaible, David David.Schaible at
Wed Apr 18 10:20:54 EDT 2007

lubro moly jectron is pretty popular w/ those in the know.  other than seals and cleaning what else is there to do ?   test and verify flow?  if the injectors are dirty, i think the stuff works, i remember treating a couple vehicles and all the sudden getting tire in second gear......not 3b stuff, probably depends on what gas you run regularly.
i was told once upon a time that rs2 injectors are the same as ford racing 42lb (not sure about that #) injectors (both made by bosch) and the ford part # is half the price. you may be able to save some $ w/ alittle research, i never wrote the stuff down as i never planned to go rs2 level

	-----Original Message-----
	From: Brandon Rogers [mailto:brogers at] 
	Sent: Tue 4/17/2007 5:18 PM 
	To: 200q20v at 
	Subject: injector questions

	My injectors have probably 195,000 miles on them - assuming they are
	original.  I've been thinking about sending them in for rebuild to RC
	Engineering or someplace like that.  Curious what exactly those guys do
	versus me just pouring in some Fuel injector cleaner - BG44K or
	something....??  I'm getting ready for a 400-500 mile roadtrip in a
	couple days.  Any good results with any specific FI cleaners?  Snake
	Any additives that clean out any carbon deposits?
	'84 urquattro 20Vt
	'01.5 S4
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