CPS issue...update

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Wed Apr 18 22:27:20 EDT 2007

On Apr 18, 2007, at 5:54 PM, Eric Huppert wrote:

> Sean,
> Had the same issue with my dist. Wasn't "full" of oil, but quite a  
> bit in
> the bottom portion.
You’d expect it in the top portion?

> As Bernie says, check breather hoses etc. I've been told
> by my parts guy (Audi enthusiast) that oil in the cap is fairly  
> common.
225K and never had oil in my dist. CC breather system replaced once  
with DIY heater hoses.


> Boost looking to get out of the crank! Clean it out good with  
> electrical
> cleaner. then, check it in a couple of months to see how it looks.  
> Then
> again, if the dist still has the plastic gear now is probably the  
> time to
> change it...
> Eric
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