Summer tires mess up handling?

Ed Kellock ekellock at
Fri Apr 20 17:37:21 EDT 2007

Have you checked the tire pressures?

Are the tires directional?  If so, are you sure they're all on
"pointed" in the right direction"

Have you tried to rotate them to see if the behavior changes/moves/goes away?

The difference in feel between your 2 sets of tires will most likely
be very noticeable even if everything is in order.  Wider/heavier is
going to be felt.

I know I almost always miss my snows for a while when I put my summers back on.


On 4/20/07, Thomas Mesich <tmesich at> wrote:
> All winter my 200 20V has driven perfectly with stock wheels and 215 60
> 15 Blizzaks.  Now I have put the summer wheels and tires on I have a
> problem.  They are Momo wheels with 235 45 17 Goodyears.  On the
> Blizzaks the car drove straight and true and very solid.  On the summer
> tires it tends to pull to the right and feels generally loose.  The car
> was aligned last fall.  Any ideas?  Could the front end be flexing due
> to the larger, heavier tires?  I am confused.
> Tom in Elk River, MN
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