Wiper motor fixed!

Eric Huppert ehuppert at hvc.rr.com
Tue Apr 24 17:12:22 EDT 2007


A while back I had started a wiper "incorrect park" thread. I had pulled two
separate motors apart trying to get one to work to no avail. At the time I
thought it was the electrical park contact.

Well, bought another motor yesterday, and it's fixed. BUT, wasn't really the

After installing the new one (to the wiper assy) had some problems getting
everything to work correctly. Finally figured out how to line up the arm to
motor and got it working. Then (after the fact) I looked at the old motor.
The arm that attaches to the motor and the motor splined stub were stripped!
Meaning, motor and linkage gets out of "synch" and causes problems!

So, if anyone's having the same issue, pull the assy and pull the arm off.
Should be able to re-align it (if any splines left on motor, mine was
stripped) and get it working correctly.

Poor design, probably stripped out due to ice/snow!


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