Fwd: DIY hose assys, =was so much for the replacement hose

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Wed Apr 25 23:34:34 EDT 2007

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Bernie Benz <b.m.benz at prodigy.net>
> Date: May 18, 2002 4:55:20 PM PDT
> To: CL Wong <montesawong at yahoo.com>
> Cc: 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at audifans.com>
> Subject: Re: DIY hose assys, =was so much for the replacement hose
> CL, You're right, it's not cost effective to use crimp ends for  
> DIY, but not
> necessary either.  Use any brand of reuseable hose end fittings.  I  
> used
> Aeroquip, ref:their Industrial Connectors catalog JA316F  
> <www.aeroquip.com>
> First, you want to use the old Audi hose ends but not their  
> fittings nor
> hose.  For this purpose Aeroquip has a "lifesaver" reuseable  
> fitting which
> has a counterbore for mating with tubing.  You cut off the Audi  
> hose end at
> the crimp and weld or silver solder it into the counter bore in the  
> fitting
> before assembling the fitting to the hose.  I used silver solder.
> For the 200 pump to rack hose I used:
> 1 ea 190000-5-6S "lifesaver" reuseable fitting  (Audi used two)
> 1 ea 190000-6S "lifesaver" reuseable fitting    (different tubing  
> dias)
> 1ea FC300-06RL hose, bought cut to 25" length (rated 2250 psi max  
> op press)
> Total cost: $23.30
> This assembly will last forever, IMO.  But I did not incorporate  
> Audi's
> acoustical filter into this design, so it is a little noisy at high  
> pump
> pressures, i.e. parking, full wheel turn, slow motion stuff.   
> Neither wife nor I notice the diff. If doing it
> again, I might attempt to incorperate the filter, but it is complex.
> Recently someone posted that they had built such a hose assembly,  
> and had
> included a coupling in the center of the hose just like Audi did.   
> But this
> coupling, with a specific ID, is only a part of the acoustic  
> filter, so his
> attempt at noise suppression likely was not suscessful.
> Bernie
>> From: CL Wong <montesawong at yahoo.com>
>> Not sure I would want to (or could afford) the
>> crimping equipment for these kind of lines for one or
>> 2 rebuilds.
>> Bernie, can you give a quick idea of what is involved
>> with doing this kind of hose yourself?

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