trim clips PN

Phil and Judy Rose pjrose at
Thu Apr 26 09:50:18 EDT 2007

At 7:33 AM -0400 4/26/07, Eric Huppert wrote:
>Clips can be ordered from the dealer. Think I paid around a $1 each. Retail
>is somewhat higher though.
>pn # 447 853 674C. (small clips for the chrome strips / not the corner

According to Kneale's recent post, the PN you mention (above) is for 
the headlight trim, not the grill. Kneale's post gives -674C for the 
grill trim clip.  Regardless of which is which, I'm glad to learn 
that they are still available--and from an on-line source, too.


*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *      
*        mailto:pjrose at       *

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