New TBV - no more dyout AND no more bucking

Mike Pshenishny r3dmist at
Wed Aug 8 23:27:10 EDT 2007

Is it the Bosch 710N you're thinking of?  That seems to be the popular
choice on the 1.8Ts and 2.7Ts.  The 710A is the one found on lots of
cars and has the weak diaphragm/is failure prone if I am not mistaken.

-Mike Pshenishny
'00 S4

On 8/8/07, Brett Dikeman <brett at> wrote:
> On Aug 6, 2007, at 3:17 PM, Steve Scalmanini wrote:
> By the way, what is the valve everyone is using these days?  The one
> from the 225hp TT?  I forget.
> Brett

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