ufo brake pads

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Sat Aug 25 10:03:13 EDT 2007

Here is info from an old post of mine.

UFO pads: Audi V8, 200Q-20V, w/ATE Calipers  Audi #441 698 151D
FMSI #MKD467  AZ and others may go by this generic number.
   Other parts: Calipers ATE 441 615 107C/108C, Retainer spring 441  
615 269

Dealer:  Jurid 526FE   $185. dealer list
      Textar 21219  $100.06   box labels: 21219 178998 05 T 819 AA998
                               These are reboxed Jurid 526 FE
      Jurid 571562J  aftermarket, $76.95   (bought these 6/97)


On Aug 24, 2007, at 4:12 PM, Jeremiah Curry wrote:

> My brake pad thin warning light came on yesterday.  So I want to  
> get new
> pads.  I looked online at autozone and they claim to have a bunch  
> for the
> front.  Anybody know how to tell if these are really for the UFO's?
> thanks,
> Jeremiah
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