[audi20v] 20vt Vacuum hose question

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Thu Dec 6 06:55:47 PST 2007


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On Dec 5, 2007, at 10:09 PM, Mike Teter wrote:

> Hi all,
> Well, call me a glutton, but I picked up two more 20v cars in the  
> last month, so now I have three 20v cars. Both needed fuel pumps to  
> get going reliably but are otherwise road ready. The cars are both  
> '91s, one a black CQ with tan interior and the other a navy blue  
> 200tq with gray leather. What are the odds of two cars both needing  
> fuel pumps? Could it have been something done, or not done, by the  
> previous owner (the cars were both owned by the same person)? Seems  
> odd to me.
> My issue today is that I think the turbo car is missing vacuum hose  
> that connects to the top of the wastegate. It's the hose that  
> connects to the small diameter barbed fitting that I think goes to  
> the wastegate solenoid valve which I cannot locate. Can someone out  
> there shoot me a picture showing the routing of the hose to this  
> valve?
> Many thanks!
> Mike Teter,
> Colorado Springs, CO
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