Euro Headlight bulbs

Mike Miller mikemilr at
Tue Dec 11 18:26:02 PST 2007

If you have Stongard lense covers and run the 80w/100 bulbs, you run the risk of cracking the lens due to the excess heat the higher wattage bulbs generate. 

You can buy the 80w/100 bulbs at Napa for around $13 ea as I recall. They are labeled "off road". You can also replace the separate high beam bulb (H1?) with a 100w bulb for about $5. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: George 
To: 200q20v at 
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 7:19 PM
Subject: RE: Euro Headlight bulbs

One of the bulbs in my Euro headlights has lost its low beam. I checked the
wires and fuses and all is otherwise well. Before I go to the trouble of
getting into the driver side headlamp I would like to upgrade the bulb
wattage in both.  Does anyone have a source/recommendation for a higher
wattage longer-lasting bulb for '91 200 20V Euro headlamps ??

George Sidman
Chairman & Chief Technology Architect
WebLOQ, Inc.
2801 Monterey Highway
Monterey, CA  93940 - Suite H
Monterey               831 372-2600 x 227            
Santa Clara          408 282-3548                      
Mobile                    831 601-1776 

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