tirefitment 200 and springs

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Thu Feb 1 13:10:43 EST 2007

Eric, comment interlaced below.

> From: "Eric Huppert" <dragracer at netstep.net>
> Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 09:24:29 -0500
> To: "200q20v" <200q20v at audifans.com>, <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: FW: tirefitment 200 and springs
> Ben,
> Thanks for the reply!
> The 225 55 16's are taller, hence my problems. going to put 215 55 16's on
> as soon as funds available. think the apx 1/4" difference will solve my
> problems. Tires came with the rims, not like I bought new tires! (Now that
> would have really disturbed me!) Springs aren't sagging in this car, but had
> put the spring "blocks" in awhile ago anyway.
Spring blocks will increase the spring rate by reducing the number of active
turns. To increase the SRH without increasing the spring rate, shim the
spring perch. Audi had 3 different thicknesses of rubber "damping rings" for
the 44 chassis (Bentley pg 40.13) used to equalize L&R front SRH. One can
add sheet rubber shims under these rings, BTDT.
> My old 200 10V which my son now owns had the sagging spring issue, we put
> the blocks in that one first. Cheap, ($10)and they do restore the static
> ride height. Not a believer in these things but springs are a issue with
> these cars. Springs in his are whooped, but not a lot of  springs readily
> available for these cars. It's either drop springs, getting some made, or
> used. 
Any good spring shop should be able to anneal, lengthen, and retemper stock
>My parts source knows a guy that does rally springs and could
> supposedly make some street springs. Never managed to firm this up, but need
> to pursue it more. Not keen on the H&R's as I live "outside" of town and
> don't want a super harsh ride, nor do I want to drop the vehicle 1"+.
> Going to get car aligned, but want to install strut brace first. Don't have
> the firewall cracks or excessive tire wear, but camber was maxed on previous
> owners last alignment. Looking like I'm back to work force next week. Place
> I'm going to is a one man shop that does old vehicle restorations, all
> oddball stuff. Owners real love is antique machinery and he's purchased and
> rehabbed a whole bunch of them. Talked to him the other day and he wants to
> make the brace almost as much as I want to install it...haha   Discussed
> materials, I'd thought of using black iron pipe, be told me to get some
> solid stock material.
He's not much of an engineer if he wants to go with a solid bar. See my
strut brace design on Chris Miller's 200 site.
> Had briefly looked for spring spacers to install over H&R's, but think this
> would affect spring rate? Wasn't able to find any dimensions on what's out
> there, but didn't dig too deep, my dial-up service gets pretty discouraging
> on in-depth searches! Machinist above could make some, but once again, not
> real sure of the effect on spring rates. The 15mm Audi spacers would give
> about a 1/2", but living in upstate NY and the normal snow (not this year,
> so far) don't want to give up the ground clearance.
> If I went with H&R's, spaced, I'd probably stick with the Boge turbos, this
> car is a daily driver, not a track car, don't want a harsh ride.
H&Rs I believe have a much higher spring rate than stock so, even with
shiming to stock SRH, you will have a harsh ride and the Boges may be under
damped for the stiffer springs.

IMO, anyone using camber adjustment to achieve fender clearance is crazy!
Fix the problem right, no band aids!

> Anyone have a set of used 20V H&R's they'd be willing to part with for
> reasonable (in the interest of science of course!)?
> Sure this will spark some debates, the old spring threads usually do!
> Eric
> PS: Guess I have no more excuses for procrastinating on the chip install.
> Engine and management is all sorted out. Will do ecu first, then try the
> spring after I drive a bit so I can discern the difference. Probably
> tomorrows project, house is being shown today!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ben Swann [mailto:benswann at comcast.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 9:23 PM
> To: dragracer at netstep.net
> Cc: 200q20v at audifans.com; quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: re: tirefitment 200
> Eric,
> I'm running 225/50 16 on 8"width wheels.  I can run fairly loaded to a
> point - can't take 6 bags of concrete in the trunk for example, but 3 adult
> passengers in back and some luggage is OK.  I had some 225/60 15's on
> before, and had some issues when fully loaded - more so than with the 225/50
> 16 which won't rub except under the most extreme load and bottoming out.
> Bad suspension could be possible culprit, either sagging springs or worn
> struts or anything messing with the geometry.  I had to adjust the camber in
> at the top on one of my 5000's when it rubbed on one side, so that may be a
> possible solution.  That is fairly easy to do by turning the trap link until
> there is sufficient clearance - it doesn't take much, and usually you would
> be putting the car in better alignment rather than taking it out of spec.,
> at least I had no tire wear issues when I did this.  If you cant put your
> fat finger between the tire and the fender well with a big boy is standing
> on the bumper then you might want to try this before buying new tires.
> Ben
> [Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 00:51:35 +0000
> From: Mike Del Tergo <mdeltergo at hotmail.com>
> Subject: re: tirefitment 200
> To: <200q20v at audifans.com>, <dragracer at netstep.net>
> Message-ID: <BAY126-W229EBE164739DC131551EDA4A50 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I was running 225 50 16 on Audi A4 5 spokes, no problems whatsoever.
> Sounds like your suspension?
> Mike
> Eric Huppert dragracer at netstep.net Tue Jan 30 08:30:48 EST 2007
> ***
> My recent acquisition of some Mille Miglia (16x7x38et) and tires has
> provided me with some unwanted knowledge! 225 55 16's do not fit in the
> 20V's very well! Was okay until I had a couple of kids in the backseat and
> took some turns! Backs rub slightly under suspension compression, fronts
> lightly rub on parking lot full turn maneuvers. All is fine with no
> passengers though, should I just remove the back seat :o)
> Hoping to sell tires to help offset cost of some new ones!!
> Question is.... Has anyone successfully fitted 215 55 16s? Will go for all
> seasons, have looked at the specs for 225 50 16's, they're a bit shorter
> than the OE 215 60 15's and the 215 55's...  ET on the new rims shouldn't
> create much of a issue as they're narrower (7") and rim should end up
> about
> the same.,, or inboard a touch more than OE. Lots of room between steering
> arm and tire.
> 215 55 16? Thoughts, BTDT's?
> Eric]
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