Boost gauge install

Phil Rose pjrose at
Sat Feb 3 12:33:19 EST 2007

At 8:20 AM -0500 2/3/07, Eric Huppert wrote:
>Going to install a boost/vac gauge (2 1/8 autometer)and would like to use a
>pillar pod and paint to somewhat match the gray...
>1. Was thinking of "t'ing" off of ECU line before water trap, any reason not

That's fine--it's a commonly recommended place to tap into for boost 
gauges. One other thing I'd recommend: consider getting a brass "T" 
rather than using the typical (IMHO extremely flimsy) plastic T sold 
by Pep Boys, et al. I purchased a nice small-diameter brass "T" at a 
local pet shop (aquarium supplies) for a couple of bucks.

*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *      
*        mailto:pjrose at       *

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