Suggestions for replacement BPV, 200 20V

jake falk nullassult at
Wed Feb 14 16:53:45 EST 2007

I have a 710N on my 200.
I think it was from a TT 225?
It was under $40 from the local stealership.

On 2/14/07, Brandon Rogers <brogers at> wrote:
> I would get a new OE BPV.  I have a fancy shmancy aluminum one on one of
> my cars - waste of $$$.  You would need to burn through 4 or 5 stock
> Bosch ones to equal cost of the fancy ones....
> A lot guys are going with the Bosch with p/n suffix 710N FWIW.  They are
> about $40.
> Brandon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 200q20v-bounces at [mailto:200q20v-bounces at]
> On Behalf Of Eric Huppert
> Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 2:55 PM
> To: 200q20v; quattro at
> Subject: Suggestions for replacement BPV, 200 20V
> So, the beauty of chipping the beast is that every weak link possible
> will fail. (less than a week with the chips now) spent the last six
> months sorting the car out, feel like I'm starting over!
> Drove about 200 miles today. Of course as soon as I left home started
> hearing a moaning noise(no, she worked today)that appeared at boost and
> would diminish eventually. With my luck I started trying to guess worse
> case scenario. (it can only get better from there, no?) I finally
> decided it was the rear main seal. Lovely thing about driving, lots of
> time to become paranoid!
> No, the noise didn't get worse... but I can still hear it car has been
> shut off for a half hour now!
> So, question is.....Suggestions for an inexpensive replacement? Have
> seen some different messages with different ideas, but will ask again.
> I'm a little leery of replacing with a used stock as I could end up in
> the same place with increased boost...
> Thoughts, BTDT?
> Eric
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Jake Falk

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