Blower Motor and Heater Core Replacement

dschaible at dschaible at
Fri Feb 16 09:36:26 EST 2007

look in the archives or knowledgebase, there have been 100s of posts on this.  unless your stuff is totally not working i wouldn't mess with it until weather is nice or heat your garage up good.  

if your fan is not working or intermittent, pull the shroud off a little and reach in, there is a rubber plug over the brush on the blower motor housing. just pull the plug and push the brush with your finger, this is a temp fix to keep you going, takes 1-2 min.

----- Original Message -----
From: Matt Bolles
Sent: 2/15/2007 7:29:52 PM
To: 200q20v at
Subject: Blower Motor and Heater Core Replacement

> I have a new heater motor and heater core on their way to me from SJM.  Scotts' tips on his site are very helpful; I was just wondering if anyone else had any useful advise or insight on this job.  I am just waiting out the weather here in Mpls a bit more(been -10 to 20 for about the last two weeks) to tackle the job in an unheated garage.  What helps is a generous Dad who spends winter in Palm Desert with my Mom, while '01 S4 Avant stays here in their garage.  This will be a difficult parting; 6 spd with MTM software, Neuspeed exhaust and short shift- very fun and fast.
> Matt Bolles
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