Flywheel and Turbo

RicebalLDR at RicebalLDR at
Tue Jan 2 08:18:50 EST 2007

Hi I finally got the trans out and as suspected when the throw out bearing 
came apart it wiped out the TDC pin. This caused the turbo to become cherry 
orange red and started the hood blanket and rubber splash shield afire. The turbo 
has a little end play but it has a fair amount of radial play. It spins very 
smoothly and the engine did not smoke prior to stopping. So are there specs for 
the turbo? I thought I would get the car back together and run it. Also I 
want to resurface the flywheel (seeing the pin is wiped out anyway). Is there a 
spec for material removal for the flywheel? To recap the throwout bearing came 
apart on the George Washington Bridge and I limped it off the bridge and up 
the Henry Hudson to get to an exit. The car barely ran and had little power. No 
abnormal smoke or other issues other then stated above. All plugs look good no 
oil in turbo and engine oil looks normal.  Thanks for the 

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