3B distributor rotor options
Geraint Lloyd
geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Tue Jan 9 12:08:40 EST 2007
Phil Rose wrote:
> At 4:02 PM 0000 1/9/07, brady zq wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> When going over my barge (200qa20v) recently,
> ......
>> Am I inviting disaster?
> I don't know about your car, but I'd be "inviting disaster" if I ever
> referred to my good ol' reliable Audi as "my barge". It needs gentle,
> kind words and constant reassurance, especially now that it shares
> the garage with a shiny '06 model.
> ;-)
He calls it "the barge"
We call it "the hearse"
Te! He! He!
> I wouldn't worry about the Beru rotor. Beru is the source for oem
> ignition wires/connectors, and I reckon they're pretty reliable.
> Phil
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