3B distributor rotor options

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Tue Jan 9 15:49:14 EST 2007

Rbade12 at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 1/9/2007 12:39:16 PM Central Standard Time,  
> b.benz at charter.net writes:
> Personally, I have never had a need to replace a rotor or cap on any  20V I5.
> Good for you Bernie! If the rest of us were as frugal as you the  replacement

> parts divisions of most major parts manufacturers would go under.  I'm doing 
> my bit to keep the industry alive and healthy [fat and sassy you may  say].
> Bob
and I work in the oil industry, so I run mine as rich as possible, just
to bolster the price per barrel

Leaking Oil Pan:
who cares?!?


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