20V Intercooler strapping

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Wed Jan 10 13:27:16 EST 2007

On Jan 10, 2007, at 12:23 PM, LL - NY wrote:

> Now it's got me wondering about what's IN Simple Green.

Me too.  I've always wondered.  Not to sound like a weirdo hippy  
type, but in recent years I've become very mindful of the chemicals  
I'm exposed to and use. Mostly because industry perpetually  
demonstrates an inability to put public good ahead of profits.

I love the way Zaino looks/works, but the fact that Zaino refuses to  
make MSDS sheets available (and can legally do so since they  
supposedly don't sell it to "commercial" customers like professional  
detailers and such) really bugs me.  When reading up on Zaino, I came  
across a lot of detailers who said they've stopped using ANY product  
for which they can't get an MSDS on, or one they do get and find it's  

Quickly looking at the MSDS for Simple Green, if I read it correctly,  
they disclose the main ingredient (Butyl Cellosolve) which seems  
pretty harmless; I've read MSDS sheets for far scarier stuff.  They  
cover how it is broken down by naturally occuring bacteria in soil;   
seems it's safe for septic treatment critters as well.

People hazards seem very low; no long term exposure hazards, just  
skin irritation.  No dangers if it comes into contact with mucous  
membranes (inhale mist/vapor for example); just says "causes  
irritation".)   Also: " None of the ingredients in Simple Green® are  
regulated or listed as cancer agents by Federal OSHA, NTP, or  
IARC."...and..."Based upon chemical analysis, Simple Green® contains  
no known EPA priority pollutants, heavy metals, or chemicals listed  
under RCRA, CERCLA, or CWA. Analysis by TCLP (Toxicity Characteristic  
Leaching Procedure) according to RCRA revealed no toxic organic or  
inorganic constituents."

Tthere are almost a dozen chemical components which are listed but  
not identified- at least not to you and I, because they're obscured  
by "trade secret" registration numbers and such.  Long ago companies  
realized that MSDS sheets were the key to competitors copying their  
chemical products, so they've successfully lobbied for barriers to  
disclosing actual ingredients.

I'd guess that unless you're an ER doc who has an actual patient and  
you fax some EPA Stiff a letter on form AB-8/C in triplicate, you're  
not finding out squat.


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