3B distributor rotor options

brady zq bradyzq at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 10 20:44:03 EST 2007

Thanks for the reassurance.

The brand was not a factor. What had me scratching my head was that Beru had 
one rotor for 10 and 20V cars, and it had the correct tip for a 20V, whereas 
Bosch shows one rotor for 10 and 20V cars and it has the wide tip.

And the rotor and cap, while still working fine, sure looked bad on the 
inside. I thought I'd treat the car to a new set.


>From: Bernie Benz <b.benz at charter.net>
>To: brady zq <bradyzq at hotmail.com>
>Why would you think that the brand of the rotor might make a difference?
>Even the wider tipped rotor will work in a stock 3B, chipped needs the
>narrow tip to eliminate crossfire possibility. The wider tip is easily
>narrowed, so any replacement can be made to work for any condition.
>Personally, I have never had a need to replace a rotor or cap on any 20V 

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