Could the wrong 3b rotor trash a motor?

Phil Rose pjrose at
Thu Jan 11 11:01:53 EST 2007

At 10:29 PM -0500 1/10/07, CLAG500 at wrote:
>    After reading all of the recent rotor posts I decided to check  mine (easy
>to do as motor is out of the car due to a rod shooting out of the  block).
>I went to sjmautotechnik to get the scoop and see what I had. I have read 
>almost everything on there under the 20v troubleshooting section but never 
>noticed that he says that he's heard of engine damage (bent rod) 
>from using this 
>rotor with high boost. Here is the quote:
>"Are you using the correct Distributor Rotor for the 3B 20V Turbo Engine in 
>the 1991 200TQ ?
>The 3B designated 20V Turbo engine in the 1991 200TQ  used a unique
>Distributor Rotor with a narrow tip that can be difficult to find 
>in the US. This
>narrow tip rotor is required to provide the precise ignition  timing 
>at the higher
>RPM's and to prevent any ignition cross firing inside the  distributor cap.
>Some people have reported engine damage (bent rod) that  may have been caused
>when the incorrect cylinder was fired under very high  boost."
>   Any thoughts on this? Thanks

Sorry to hear about your engine and I hope you'll get the car back on the road.

My first thought is: You said you could check your rotor easily, so 
did I miss the part where you told us what the heck you found????

My second though was: Did you in fact discover that your blown engine 
had the wide rotor installed and you wish to contribute a  data 
point?? What he (SJM) has stated, sounds reasonable and believable to 
me.  Whether or not the specified rotor actually helps protect 
against engine damage at high rpm/boost conditions, the extra cost 
for an owner to acquire it is essentially pennies and thus not a 
factor [except of course to those who already strive for ever-greater 
short-term savings and convenience by doing things like never 
changing engine oil, using Fram oil filters and running brake rotors 
'til they disintegrate.] I doubt that you are one of those folks.


Phil Rose.....Rochester, NY USA
'06 A3q 3.2 V6 (5K, silver)
'91 200q	(156K, Lago blue)
'91 200q   (70K, Tornado red)
'89 100 (Bamboo gold)

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