Dist. rotor pictures
Bernie Benz
b.benz at charter.net
Thu Jan 18 13:32:59 EST 2007
Original rotors were glued onto the shaft and had to be broken off. Gluing
not necessary inasmuch as spring contact and tight fit will hold it on.
Obviously an easy hack saw job to make the narrow tip from the wide tip one.
> From: Chuck Pierce <cpcycle at earthlink.net>
> Well I cracked my rotor trying to get it off the shaft.
> Why was I taking it off the shaft? I do not know.
> I am in the process of doing the distributor gear.
> So I ordered a cap and rotor from Scott at SJM.
> Looks like the wrong rotor was put in at the tune up I had done when I
> first got the car.
> So now those who had questions about the differences can see the width
> difference.
> http://s37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/02chuck/Audi%20Parts/?action=view¤
> t=differentrotors.jpg
> Chuck Pierce
> 200 20v Avant
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